Royal Wedding (The Princess Diaries #11) Review

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Royal Wedding (The Princess Diaries #11)
Meg Cabot
William Morrow Paperbacks
June 2015

“Despite all evidence to the contrary, Grandmère believes that Ron Weasley, not Voldemort, is the villain of the Harry Potter series.”  
“That’s the problem with your generation, Amelia. You all want happy endings.”
I was so stunned I think my eye stopped twitching momentarily.
“We don’t, actually,” I said. “We want endings that leave us with a sense of hope, possibly because the world we’re living in seems to be falling apart right now.”
“Michael and I are an anomaly. Hardly anyone stays together forever with their first significant other, except maybe in YA novels. And usually when they do, it’s because he’s a vampire or a werewolf or owns a beautiful estate called Pemberley or something.”  
“I always thought when I became an adult everything would become less confusing, but unfortunately, everything's only becoming more confusing.”  

This is the first adult installment of the brilliantly clever Young Adult series. I've been obsessed with The Princess Diaries books since middle school and I've missed Mia's witty and always unpredictable diary entries. Getting a glimpse inside her head is never a disappointment to say the very least. I love these books and this one was just as incredible. I do think that you should probably have read the other books in order to fully understand this one, so if you have, then why haven't you picked this up yet?

Mia Thermopolis is now 26 years old and she's been out of college for the past five years now. She's been enjoying her reign as Princess of Genovia, while also enjoying her longtime boyfriend Michael Moscovitz. 29 year old Michael has finally proposed and Mia couldn't be happier. But the press is automatically all over the story thanks to her high-strung grandmother who leaked it. Also, Mia gets extra security due to threats being made towards her for mostly political reasons. All of this makes Mia think twice about getting married. To add the icing on the cake, Mia finds out many secrets that could change everything. Can Princess Mia handle all of this pressure?

If you can't already tell, I love every single one of these characters. Mia is naturally my favorite due to her always hilarious and relevant pop culture references. She is also just a strong and memorable character that's impossible to dislike. She always has the best intentions and is passionate about everything. I also love her friends Tina, the hopeless romantic, and Lily who is Michael's sister but also Mia's longtime outspoken best friend. I think Mia's Grandma is hilarious, even if she is a little mean but I feel like she was a lot nicer in this novel than in previous ones. I also liked her father, though we didn't really get to see all that much from him.

The romance in this book is as great as you'd expect. Michael has always been one of my all time favorite book boyfriends. I couldn't exactly explain why, I think it's because he has this whole awkward smart thing going on, but he also has always been such a sweet guy to Mia. It was clear from the first book that they were always going to end up together, no matter how long it took for them to come to this conclusion. The scenes between them were as perfect as I was hoping.

While I felt like Forever Princess wrapped up the series nicely, I was ridiculously excited when I first heard the news that this book was coming up and would be the first adult installment. To be honest, I didn't feel like this was really all that different from the style of the Young Adult books, only difference is her age. Regardless, this was a beautiful book and I'm beyond pleased that Mia and Michael are finally getting the happy ever after that they've always deserve. (Spoiler alert!)

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