Top Ten Characters Who Love Books

Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This weeks theme is characters who are fellow book nerds.

1. Cath from Fangirl 
Cath is pretty much the queen of the fanfiction community in this story. She's dedicated to her favorite book characters and she's a totally cool nerd about it all.

2. Charlie from The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
Charlie is an incredibly smart kid and his teacher Bill gives him some amazing literature to read. He finds himself in characters like Holden Caulfield. Even though he might start reading less once he actually starts living his life, but he's still a bookworm at heart.

3. Hermione from Harry Potter
By far one of the most intelligent book characters of all time. Our heroine is constantly reading and learning from books.

4. Matilda from Matilda 
This young girl starts reading from a really young age. She seeks refuge in her library and the thousands of books she discovers along the way.

5. Liesel from The Book Thief
Well obviously this couldn't be left off the list since it does have book in the title. Liesel actually risks her own life just to steal books. Now that's taking the whole bookworm thing to a whole different level. 

6. Hazel from The Fault in Our Stars
Whenever I think about fictional bookworms, she's one of the first ones I think about. She may only read one book, but her passion for this book is beyond contagious.

7. Auden from Along For The Ride
This Sarah Dessen character is included on the list due to her literary background. She was named after the poet W.H. Auden and she consumed herself with reading for most of her life. Of course, she learns to put the books down during this particular summer with Eli and the other characters from the book.

8. Marie-Laure from All The Light We Cannot See 
Marie-Laure eagerly reads stories like 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. She gets lost in this world and desperately wants to hear more of the story. That's what a good book does: provides a different world to distract you from your own.

9. Amory from This Side Of Paradise
He's a well read and well educated young man who is constantly picking up new books. Despite him being very privileged and pretentious, he's an intelligent guy who loves books. What more could you ask for?

10. Devon from First & Then
This is a new book that is coming out this October. I've never read a Jane Austen book but this book is apparently written in a similar format to those. While I loved the football side of this story, I also loved how passionate Devon was about Jane Austen books.


  1. We have a lot in common on our lists this week!! I knew there was a Sarah Dessen character that I was forgetting!! I just couldn't think which one of her girls (or guys) was into books! Should have known Auden!

  2. Great choices. I have Cath, Hermione, Hazel, and Liesel on my list too. Matilda was one of my favorite books and movies when I was a kid.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  3. email me please? My email is

  4. We only have one in common on our lists -- Hermione -- but I love seeing an F. Scott Fitzgerald here! I hadn't thought of Amory, but yes, he's quite bookish.

    (My TTT is here if you're curious.)


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